How to Price Coaching Packages: Stop Discounting & Go Premium

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Before we begin, let’s be crystal clear. In this article, we are exclusively talking about pricing your high ticket offers ($3,000-$20,000+).

We are not discussing your self study courses (priced at $2,000 or lower), as those will require totally different pricing strategies — so for today, we’ll put those aside.

When you’re trying to figure out how to price coaching packages and high ticket programs, the entire process often raises more questions than answers.

How do I know if I’m charging enough?

What if it’s too much?

Can I really say that number with confidence?

What if people genuinely can’t afford it?

Becoming truly great at sales is a process, and just like any skill you’ll need to practice in order to improve.

But along the way, it’s going to be tempting to search for shortcuts and quick fixes in order to make more sales – and PRICE is one of the first places you will feel tempted to waver.

When it comes to high ticket programs, we’re here today to make the case for premium pricing.

Even though it’s counterintuitive to stand firm and charge MORE if you want to make more sales, we’re going to show you why discounting your high ticket offers just isn’t the way to go.


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This blog post (and accompanying video) are part of one big in-depth series all about our Empowering Enrollment Experience. This is Part 4. ( Part 1 | Part 2 |Part 3)

The deeper you get into your online business journey, the more you’re going to run into flawed advice around pricing.

Many strategies out there employ deep discounts, slashed prices and in-the-moment price promises that are offered to try to push a prospect into a fast decision.

We’ll refer to these tactics as pressure pricing; that is, any high ticket sales strategy that attempts to use price as a mechanism for forcing a quicker “yes”.

Instead of applying the pressure, we help our clients shift into premium pricing.

That looks like charging your high ticket program’s full worth without wobbling, and using price to signal deeper value.

There are so many reasons you need to select a higher price tag to match the higher impact of your program, but first we need to cover the key mistakes we commonly see around pricing.

❌ Offering discounts or different pricing if they buy live on a sales call

First of all, we DON’T recommend sales calls at all — like, ever.

However, since we know this practice is commonly used a sales vehicle, we’re referring to sales calls today purely in the context of what NOT to do.

We’ve already coveredjust how problematic sales calls really are, especially since we’re essentially asking a potential client to make a split second decision right there on the call.

Asking someone to commit just minutes after hearing the offer details a few minutes ago applies tons of pressure — which is why we’ve ditched sales calls entirely.

To make matters worse, some old-school sales experts will tell you to offer a discount or undercut your pricing if a client agrees to whip out their credit card right there on the call.

That might sound something like:

❌“If you go ahead and make your payment right here on this call today, you can receive $XXX off the program price. This is the only way to get this discount – so how will you be paying today?”

With this strategy, receiving a discount or special “fast action” pricing becomes a prospect’s main motivation for buying your program.

That might sound good in theory – after all, we want clients to take action!

But if they’re saying “yes” simply because they’ll feel guilty if they don’t get the discount right now, they’re taking action from a place of FOMO.

Wouldn’t you rather hear your clients say YES to your program’s big promise instead of “yes” to a pushy discount?

❌ You leave big money on the table when you discount your high ticket offer

When it comes to discounting your high ticket program, we’re not fans of this strategy.

It’s one thing to offer early bird or fast action discounts on your low price point self study courses.

If you have a $100-$2,000 course or program and you sometimes offer a discount to move people into action, that’s totally fine – and often an effective strategy! We teach our clients that have lower priced self study courses about flash sales and limited time offers too.

For example, if you’re selling tickets to a virtual conference at an Early Bird price of $37 and you raise the ticket price to $47 the next week, that difference of $10 will likely move people into action while not really impacting your bottom line too significantly.

But when we’re talking about high ticket program prices ($3,000-$20,000+), it’s a totally different ball game.

Discounting your high ticket program may seem like a good idea in the moment – it feels great to get a yes!

But in order to make the cost savings feel meaningful enough for your clients to actually care about it, we’re talking about thousands of dollars.

Add that up across dozens of sales calls, and you’ve likely cost yourself tens of thousands due to slashing your price down.

❌ Discounting your high ticket offer creates more objections to deal with

On top of the fact that cutting down your high ticket program prices to make a sale will hit your bottom line, this practice also creates more messiness in your sales process.

Let’s imagine you’re on a sales call with an ideal client (because you’re following some old-school advice and haven’t ditched the sales calls for a more modern approach yet).

The prospect just heard the details of your offer verbally a few minutes ago, but it really feels like they’re picking up what you’re putting down.

You KNOW your program could really help them; maybe it would even change their whole life.

To put it bluntly, you just really want that “yes” before the call ends!

So you offer the discount. Your program is normally $12,000, but you tell them it’s just $9,000 today if they agree to hand over their credit card number before you hang up.

And while they seem pretty tempted to go for it, they hit you with the dreaded “I have to think about it”. The call ends without a sale.

Now, a couple days later, this person comes back to you and really wants in. But the problem is, they heard your discounted price – and now they can’t get that off their brain.

They say, “I know you told me the discount was only good if I bought on the call, but that’s really the highest number I can afford…”

Now you’re left in a tricky spot. You really want to work with this client, but can you stand firm at $12,000?

Now that they’ve heard a number that is an entire $3,000 lower, will they be able to get past that hurdle and join?

💡 You don’t actually need to discount your high ticket program – there are better ways!

It’s important to note that when we refer to “discounting”, we aren’t talking about regular price increases that occur every 6-12 months.

You’re going to want to increase your price over time as your program gets stronger and your clients get even more results!

When you’re ready to do that, you might promote a “last chance” option to get the old pricing before the increase kicks in.

This is a great strategy because you’re applying it across the board to ALL your leads – not just throwing out arbitrary discounts on a call to get a fast “yes”.

Discounting your high ticket offer to get a quick sale just doesn’t make good business sense.

When you’ve landed on a great offer and a life-changing outcome that your ideal clients have been searching for, you don’t need to discount.

No more selling yourself short.

Your work is valuable and you know it – no more wavering or waffling!

💡 Bonuses, gifts, live workshops & other goodies nudge people off the fence – but we don’t mess with the high TICKET price

The fact is, there are tons of other ways to create an enrollment incentives without deeply discounting your high ticket program!

When you’re thinking about pricing your high ticket offer, it’s time to shift from pressure pricing to premiere pricing.

In this world, the price is the price – period.

This mindset is very specific to high ticket price points. In this world, we’re not using deep discounts as a way to extract a “yes” in a high pressure situation.

(This is one example of how our strategies for selling self-study courses in the $200-$2,000 price range is DIFFERENT than strategies for selling high ticket programs in the $3,000-$20,000 price range).

When you wobble on your price, it causes your prospects to question it.

When you’re clear about your price, when you stand in your power around the price you chose, your leads hear that message loud and clear.

You don’t need discounts to enroll dream clients.

Those qualified clients who are ready for the transformation you offer aren’t simply bargain hunting.

They’re looking for the answer that’s going to solve their big problems – and they’re willing to pay a fair price!

Inside of High Ticket Hybrid, we show you all kinds of fun and creative ideas to incentivize buyers – and none of them involve deep discounts or pressure pricing.

You’re just one big shift away from a fully evergreen, truly empowering enrollment experience.

Nothing feels better than welcoming your clients in to your high ticket program by empowering them to make a decision they’re excited about.

No sales calls, no sleazy strategies — just a fully evergreen scalable system that gets your clients the results they dream of! Come learn how: you’re invited to apply for our comprehensive, all-inclusive program, High Ticket Hybrid.

High Ticket Hybrid is our implementation sprint and mastermind for course creators, coaches and CEOs who want to scale an evergreen high ticket group coaching program without sales calls.

In High Ticket Hybrid, we show you how to:

  • Create a hybrid course + coaching program that can serve hundreds of clients at a time in less than 10 hours per week

  • Build the evergreen sales system for enrolling high-ticket clients year-round, without any sales calls

  • Escape the launch-to-launch feast and famine and revenue roller coaster by going evergreen with your program

  • Create, Launch and Evergreen your own high ticket program in our focused implementation sprint

  • Optimize for a clear and spacious CEO calendar (the ultimate luxury)

  • Build a simple, sophisticated, truly scalable business model that is chill, fulfilling, and profitable

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