If You Hate Making Sales Calls, It's Time to Stop Doing Them

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Over 4 years ago, we stopped doing sales calls.

As in, completely eliminated them.

Instead, we’ve scaled our high ticket coaching program to the multi-millions by enrolling new clients on evergreen without ever having to hop on the phone (and we’ve helped hundreds of clients do it, too.)

If you hate making sales calls, first of all you should join the club.

Secondly, today’s article is exactly what you need, so get ready to dive in!

A lot of questions come up when people hear that we’ve scaled our high ticket programs without sales calls, but the biggest question we get is how?

How (and why) did you eliminate sales calls from your enrollment process?

The reality is that just a few years ago, utilizing time-consuming sales calls was the only way to sell high end coaching programs or services.

We’ve been told time and time again that jumping on the phone with clients for an hour or 90 minutes is “the only way” to enroll clients when you charge a certain high-ticket dollar amount.

And even though that’s the only way you’ve been taught, the truth is that there’s a better way, a more empowering way – for you, and for your clients.

You actually don’t need to do sales calls at all in order to enroll perfect-fit, high-ticket clients even at the $5k-$30k price point!

WATCH THIS VIDEO: If You Hate Making Sales Calls, It’s Time To Stop Doing Them

This blog post (and accompanying video) are part of one big in-depth series all about our Empowering Enrollment Experience. This is Part 1.

An entire industry of its own has been created to help you get better at sales calls.

They promise that if you hire a huge team of salespeople and learn how to improve your close rate on the phone (or zoom), you can be successful with a high ticket business.

Clearly sales calls have worked for a lot of people in the past.

So why on earth did we get rid of them?

Even if they are sometimes effective, there are quite a few problems with sales calls.

First of all, if you’re anything like us, you flat out do not enjoy sales calls (it’s okay,you can admit it!)

Around here we think sales calls are annoying, time-consuming and draining (especially if you’re an introvert like Mariah) – and we just don’t wanna do them.

If you ask us, we would much rather have a completely clear calendar than one booked out with tons and tons of calls.

A schedule chock full of sales calls is a living nightmare for many business owners.

Beyond the fact that many of us secretly (or not so secretly) despise sales calls and just would rather take a hard pass, there are some major sales call flaws we need to cover.

Problem #1: Sales Calls Create Misaligned Expectations

A one-on-one hour long sales call is not really representative of what it’s like to work with you in a group coaching program.

Unless you offer one-on-one hour-long calls to your clients inside of your program (which isn’t scalable and we don’t recommend in our Hybrid delivery model), then a lengthy sales call does not set the right expectation for the experience within the program!

If you think about it, a person could end up feeling they got a totally different experience during the sales process than they do as an actual paying client.

If you or your team are spending 80% of your week on sales calls, leaving only 20% of bandwidth to actually serve paying clients, how is that going to make them feel?

Ditching sales calls in favor of an Empowering Enrollment Experience like we teach means we get to flip those ratios and focus primarily on client delivery.

In our business, 80% of our team’s time and attention is spent on our clients’ needs.

That means only 20% of our hours are spent selling – and none of that time involves phone calls.

We know that by focusing the vast majority of our resources on our clients, our program gets better and better – and a better client experience naturally leads to more sales.

Problem #2: Verbal is Vague

Here’s another issue you’ll run into with sales calls: verbal sales calls are very vague.

It’s incredibly difficult to clearly understand what your offer is when you have no visuals, and there’s nothing written down for your prospects to follow along with.

Many people are visual processors, so trying to understand your package or program verbally will likely prove challenging or less impactful.

It’s hard to know what you’re really signing up for on a sales calls that’s happening in real time!

On the flip side, imagine all the details of your program in writing or displayed visually in a format that someone can easily review on their own time.

In a traditional sales environment, the expectation is that a prospect should understand everything all at once, right there on the call.

But what if they could take the materials with them, look at them in a way that works for them, re-watch certain parts and gather up their questions with ease?

That type of flexibility leads to a more confident client, minimizing the back and forth follow-up afterward and keeping the dreaded buyers’ remorse at bay.

Problem #3: Your Clients are BUSY!

In today’s sales landscape, asynchronous communication has changed the game.

So much precious time and energy is lost in the back and forth of trying to match up your schedule to someone else’s in order to hop on a call.

You’ll likely feel pressure to keep your calendar wide open to accommodate as many sales calls as possible, including prospects who live on the other side of the globe.

That means early mornings, late nights and even weekends as you try to fit your actual life into the margins of your call schedule – just so you can keep up with the sales call hamster wheel.

This is not the freedom you signed up for when you started your business!

And many clients will not even be able to schedule a time in your calendar with your availability - so you’ll just miss out on those clients entirely. Oof.

On top of scheduling constraints, let’s call it like it is: Zoom fatigue is real.

Most people do NOT want to jump on a Zoom call unless it’s absolutely necessary. That includes your clients!

If the only way to work with you is by first getting on a call, you’re definitely missing out on dream clients who just can’t find the time – or who simply don’t want to get on a call.


We know you’ve been taught that sales calls are a vehicle used to facilitate sales, but we’re here to argue that they’re actually a major barrier.

A lot of people believe the more money we charge for our programs or services, the more a person is going to need a sales call in order to make a decision.

If you think the need for a sales call increases as your price increases, you’re not alone – this is a commonly held belief, but it’s actually totally false.

Plenty of our clients come to us and say, “I can see how you could maybe sell a $5,000 program without sales calls, but at $20,000 you’ve just gotta do a sales call.”

But the truth is that some of our clients are selling programs that cost $35,000 or more without calls.

While it may seem counterintuitive, the more high end, the BUSIER your clients are – and the less they want to get on a sales call with you!

High end clients need a more efficient way to enroll

If you’re sick of repeating yourself over and over again to people on sales calls, we totally get it.

Repeating the same pitch on one-on-one calls is totally inefficient, and it’s also nearly impossible to create consistency across your calls.

There will be so many variables, including tech, timing, your mood, what you ate for lunch and whatever the moon is doing on that particular day.

Sales calls aren’t scalable, efficient, convenient or enjoyable – for you or your leads.

So what can we do about it?

What’s the alternative?

Are we just going to ditch sales calls and hope our stuff magically sells itself? (That would be a NO.)

The truth is that you need an Empowering Enrollment Experience for you and your clients.

You need a sales process that leaves you feeling clear and under control without a thousand calls jamming up your calendar.

And your clients need a way to receive all of the key details in a way that is digestible, accessible and allows them to learn on their own time in their own way.

That is an Empowering Enrollment Experience, and while it may challenge everything you’ve learned so far about selling high ticket programs, we promise it will change the game for you.

Your very next step is to catch our advanced, private training that will teach you to scale a high ticket program on evergreen with zero sales calls.

If you’re ready to learn the FULL High Ticket Hybrid strategy (including ALL the nuts and bolts that make the system work), you just need to submit our 2-question application to get instant access!

Dive in to this on-demand, in-depth training!

You’re just one big shift away from a fully evergreen, truly Empowering Enrollment Experience.

Nothing feels better than welcoming your clients in to your high ticket program by empowering them to make a decision they’re excited about.

No sales calls, no sleazy strategies — just a fully evergreen scalable system that gets your clients the results they dream of! Come learn how: you’re invited to apply for our comprehensive, all-inclusive program, High Ticket Hybrid.

High Ticket Hybrid is our implementation program and mastermind for course creators, coaches and CEOs who want to scale an evergreen high ticket group coaching program without sales calls.

In High Ticket Hybrid, we show you how to:

  • Create a hybrid course + coaching program that can serve hundreds of clients at a time in less than 10 hours per week

  • Build the evergreen sales system for enrolling high-ticket clients year-round, without any sales calls

  • Escape the launch-to-launch feast and famine and revenue roller coaster by going evergreen with your program

  • Create, Launch and Evergreen your own high ticket program in our focused implementation sprint

  • Optimize for a clear and spacious CEO calendar (the ultimate luxury)

  • Build a simple, sophisticated, truly scalable business model that is chill, fulfilling, and profitable

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