Summer Of Sales: Making Sales Every Day Through Vacation + Chaos

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In this episode I'm recapping our summer sales, how we made sales all day every day since launching our new funnels and products in June, especially in the chaotic month of August when I had super limited work time and was OOO on vacation for a week.

We are on a "sales every day" streak since launching our new products and funnels in June so I'm going to break it all down for you!

In this episode:

  • Sales breakdowns for June, July and August in detail (including highest sales day and lowest sales day)

  • Hitting the "1,000 new course sales" milestone since launching the new funnels + products + daily selling systems since June

  • My "revenue routine" speed runs when I only had 1 hour per day to work

  • How we kept course sales coming in daily through the absolute chaos of summer

  • How I prepped for a week Out Of Office on vacation by batching + pre-scheduling (and how many sales I made while off the grid for a week)

  • The impact of selling every day on my business

  • Why sales don't have to be slow in the summer

  • The huge mindset shifts I've had after 3 months of selling every day (and making sales every day as a result)

  • The "Evergreen Echo Effect" of making sales when you aren't actively working

Listen to the episode for the full breakdown!

This summer has been chaotic to say the least.

In both fun ways, and not so fun ways 😂

🥰 I hosted friends staying with me for 2 weeks (fun!)

🥰 We went on tons of adventures and trips (fun!)

🥰 Spent days on the beach, in the mountains, on vacation (fun!)

🥰 Went to a huge Metallica concert...twice (fun!)

🥰 Stayed at a gorgeous lakeside resort for our annual trip (fun!)

🥰 Rented a boat and cruised around the lake (fun!)

But it wasn't all roses and rainbows...

😭 My household got sick for a few weeks (ugh)

😭 My hot water heater broke while hosting guests at my house...three times!! (yikes)

😭 I was flat out exhausted from all the fun + activities

The reality was that for a few weeks this summer, I could really only work for 1-ish hour a day, and for about a week I was completely off-the-grid with no work.

This was like a stress-test for my evergreen funnels + sales systems.

How would they perform while I could only do <1 hour of work per day, and some days NO work at all?

I was genuinely curious what would happen.

So - how'd my evergreen funnels do throughout all this craziness? ⬇️

^ One of those days, while I was on a trip to the mountains with friends, we had 30 "orders" (which was 45 course sales with order bumps + upsells!). Insane! 🤯

This is from implementing the new funnels, products, and daily "revenue routines" I teach in Evergreen Every Day.

Even I am surprised how well the funnels + systems kept working while I was extremely limited with my work time for these few weeks.

And I don't want to sugarcoat it - when I was hosting guests, I was waking up an hour earlier than everyone else so I could get my daily Revenue Routine in before the day's activities began.

I made a commitment to selling every day, and I'm following through.

And it has been SO worth it.

If you want to see how I'm creating such consistent evergreen course sales right now, join us in Evergreen Every Day!

I ran a little experiment while I was totally off-the-grid for over a week and couldn't do my usual daily selling "Revenue Routine".

Let me start by saying, I am NOT a "batching" person 😂

I do not batch a month of content in advance, I do not pre-write my emails, I don't think that far ahead to be honest!

But I made a commitment to selling every day (and making sales every day).

(Ahem, exactly what we're doing in Evergreen Every Day).

So when I knew I was going to be completely Out Of Office, off-the-grid on vacation at the lake for a week, I made a plan and ran a test 🏖️

My hypothesis?

"Could I make sales every day and still "sell every day" while completely off, if I pre-scheduled everything in advance?"

My daily "Revenue Routine" usually takes 1 hour a day (the checklist of tasks I do each day to make daily sales - I explained more here).

But I knew I wouldn't even be able to do that each day.

So I buckled down before I left for vacation and forced myself to batch 1 week's worth of email content.

In total, I wrote and scheduled 5 emails (to different segments of my list, I'll explain more below).

It took me about 3 hours to pre-write and pre-schedule everything in advance.

The results? ⬇️

*90 "orders" = 137 individual product/course sales. One "order" includes when someone buys multiple products as order bumps + upsells in the same purchase

Let's break down the HOW.

I pre-wrote and pre-scheduled 5 emails in advance.

✅ I used A/B tested subject lines and "resend to unopens" in order to maximize my results from my effort (seriously, you are sleeping on "resend to unopens". That's a $ tip right there!)

 I didn't worry about other channels and platforms while I was out - I didn't post on social media or in my community, I didn't do a lot of the other things I have in my usual Revenue Routine. Email was my priority and just focused on that.

Here's a detailed breakdown of each email I scheduled while OOO:

Take a moment to absorb all that. Notice the sending dates, the resend to unopens, the segment sizes - see what you notice.

Key things to note here:

💌 Email #1: This was a story-based email with a strong CTA to join Evergreen Every Day. You can see I get "2 days" worth of emails just by resending to unopens the day after.

💌 Email #2: I'd been talking a LOT about the Evergreen Every Day presale, so I decided to mix it up with this. I focused on the entire shop and reminded people what's available, while announcing a new product we just added. This was a great example of just a straight up "hey, here's a reminder of what you can buy from me" - it works!

*If you choose the VIP funnel templates upgrade forEvergreen Every Day, you get my pre-built shop page template.

💌 Email #3: This was only sent to people who had already bought Evergreen Every Day, so it's mostly student updates. BUT, there is a VIP upgrade available to these students which I mentioned here, which leads to sales even when it's not a "sales email."

*I don't send emails to my entire list every day - I strategically email specific segments with specific offers. We're covering this in Evergreen Every Day.

💌 Email #4: This was only sent to people who had clicked the sales page link for Evergreen Every Day, very targeted. Another example of using segments strategically.

💌 Email #5: The next day, I sent that same reminder to my entire email list about the next price increase. I repurposed the same content as email #4, saving me time.

You need to understand this:

The sales I made when I was out of office are not JUST because of the emails I scheduled. That is one part of it.

The sales I make this week, today, and tomorrow are a result of the work I did 8 months before, 8 weeks before, 8 days before, and 8 hours before.

The daily actions compound and create what I call the "Evergreen Echo Effect" - where you make sales on the effort you put in before.

 I talk about this and so much more inside Evergreen Every Day ⬇️ 

You need to understand the reality of "making sales while you're _____" (not actively working that day).

It's a result of TONS of hard work, strategy, consistency, systems, showing up every day for weeks so you can enjoy that week off.

And? It's SO worth it.

Takeaways from this experiment:

✅ The daily Revenue Routines I've been refining and teaching in Evergreen Every Day can work just as well if you prefer to batch + pre-schedule them. So if you prefer to do them in 3-4 hours one day rather than spreading that out over the week, do it!

✅ Next time, I will see if I can pre-schedule some social content too.

✅ Gratitude to "yesterday Mariah" for thinking about "future Mariah" and always setting my future self up for success with today's actions.

✅ Having multiple offers for sale, at all different price points from low to high, and making it super easy for people to buy multiple things from you within minutes, is AWESOME.

If you want to see how I'm creating consistent evergreen course sales right now, join us in Evergreen Every Day!

REMINDER: Evergreen Every Day is also *included* inside my all-access-pass program Profit Architecture! If you want access to Evergreen Every Day when it goes live and instant access to ALL of my courses about creating your evergreen ecosystem of funnels + offers  join Profit Architecture here today. 

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