Ethical Sales: 3 Keys to an Effective Sales System You Love

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“Ethical sales”: are these two words that don’t exactly seem to belong together in your mind? 

When you think of sales, do you picture a call center with lots of folks “dialing for dollars”, high pressure tactics, false promises and an overall feeling of manipulation? 

Maybe that was the vibe back in the “door to door sales” days.

Now that the majority of sales are happening on the internet, it’s time for a modern sales approach. 

It’s time we as leaders in our industries paved the way for ethical sales!

If you’re ready to build an empowering enrollment experience from the ground up, we’ve got three keys to explore today that will serve as a guiding light in your quest. 

Let’s get to it!

WATCH THIS VIDEO! Ethical Sales: 3 Keys to an Effective Sales System You Love

This blog post (and accompanying video) are part of one big in-depth series all about our Empowering Enrollment Experience. This is Part 8. ( Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7)

We’ve established that the old, outdated way of doing things is disempowering for our clients. 

We also know that this type of sales process that relies on creating pressure and scarcity feels totally gross for us.

As CEOs and coaches, how can we simply call our dream clients in so we can help them get results?

The Keys: Ethical, Empowering & Evergreen 

As we kick the old way to the curb and replace it with a sales process we feel amazing about, there are three big ideas to keep in mind.


1- Only accept people into your program that you can genuinely help – and have an authentic application process to help determine this.

It makes sense that we should only work with people who are actually qualified for our programs.

But how do we identify those ideal clients if we aren’t doing sales calls? 

The answer: an application process that is actually managed by real humans. 

When you submit an application to High Ticket Hybrid, you might assume we’re using some kind of of fancy software to accept or reject our leads. 

Or, you might assume we just go ahead and accept everyone, making the entire application process a phony marketing tactic intended to mimic exclusivity. 

Both of these assumptions would be dead wrong! 

Our acceptance process is completely manual, meaning a real human being is looking at the details every single person submits. 

So when we tell our clients they’ve been hand-picked, it’s 100% true! 

We make acceptance decisions based on whether we believe our program can truly help them get where they’re trying to go. 

When you apply we look at your website, social media, and each response given to us in order to make the best decision. 

While we love automation in our business, this is one area where keeping a human being involved makes all the difference. 

Laying eyes on each application and accepting only those who are the right fit based on predetermined criteria is the best way to ensure you’re only working with clients who are positioned to get great results. 

You need an application process to filter your right-fit clients, and you need to fight the natural urge to accept every single applicant into your program. 

Just because someone isn’t ready to work with you today does not mean they won’t be able to join in the future when they DO meet the criteria for your program. 

And believe us, those leads will be thanking you for your refreshing honesty in a world where everyone is being sold to all the time!

2. For your premium price program, do not use price as urgency 

Price urgency and early incentive discount strategies might work great for your lower priced products.

We’ve already talked in depth about the reasons why you SHOULDN’T do this with your high ticket program. 

There are tons of other gifts, bonuses and other ideas for nudging fence-sitters to take the plunge (all taught inside High Ticket Hybrid).

You’re just leaving money on the table and cheapening your premium offer if you slash your prices or discount!

With your premium high ticket offer, you don’t need deep discounts to make sales.

There are better ways that actually serve you and your clients. 

3. Allow people to start on a payment plan, then pay off their balance in the future 

We love offering this option to our clients.

This opportunity lowers the barrier to entry in our program, but also incentivizes clients to pay the full balance sooner. 

Often, our clients come into our program and start on a payment plan. 

Within the first 90 days many of them will see an influx of cash in their businesses as they apply our strategies – which gives them the capital to pay the rest. 

Many clients are happy to take us up on this option because we honor any pay-in-full bonuses or goodies if they opt to pay off that balance within a certain timeframe.

So if they need to come in on the payment plan in order to make things financially feasible, we’re glad to meet them where they are and offer the payment plan.

But if they have a great launch or a solid revenue month, paying off the rest of the balance early means they get to take advantage of any cost savings or extras we offer to people who pay in full. 

Seeking creative solutions like this in your own program might seem like small strategies.

But the truth is that they add up to an enrollment process that feels fair and ethical for our clients – and that makes all the difference. 


1. Focus on internal motivation and making a decision from a grounded place

Once and for all, it’s time to ditch the pressure approach to sales.

That same antiquated approach relies on fear and external motivation in order to influence a person at the point of sale. 

Our clients are empowered.

That means they are in control and confident about their decisions.

When they are the ones driving the enrollment process, they jump in to our programs from a place of EXCITEMENT! 

2. We give our clients all the information they need to make an informed decision across multiple formats including video, text, images, diagrams, tours and more. 

The idea here is to give your right-fit prospects everything they need to know about your program, and not on the spot during a sales call. 

Instead, they get to take the information in according to their own learning style, schedule and unique situation. How empowering is that? 

During our process, we don’t push them to get on the phone where they’ll need to give a “yes/no” split second decision.

Instead, we make ourselves available asynchronously for questions and casual chats. 

We let our clients make the decision on their own, full stop. 

3. If your potential client isn’t a fit right now, lovingly wrap up the conversation with an open door 

Let’s say a lead is not going to join your program right now for whatever reason.

The old way would have you drop them like a hot potato and move on to the next person ASAP. 

We couldn’t disagree with that advice more.

Instead of slamming the door on a prospect and assuming we’re done with them forever just because it isn’t a “yes” today, we believe there’s another way! 

Ask how you can support them.

Explicitly seek permission to check back in with them in the future – and then follow through! 

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