How To Be Good at Sales: Learn to Overcome Any Objection

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Let’s be real: are you really a coach, creator or CEO if you haven’t Googled “how to be good at sales” at least a handful of times?!

We all want to connect our products and services with the dream clients who need them most. We all want to learn how to be good at sales!

You believe in the power of your high ticket program because you know how much the transformation can change your clients’ lives – you’ve seen it time and time again, and you’ve gathered tons of testimonials. 

But how exactly do you get new people to see how much of a no brainer your offer is? That’s the million dollar question (quite literally!)

In today’s article (plus video), we’re exploring the best way to make social selling really work for you: you’ve got to get good at confidently addressing objections. 

The great news is you don’t have to be some used car salesman with slicked back hair in order to kick ass at this!

And you definitely won’t need to apply any pressure in order to get anyone to sign up! That is not the vibe.

We want people to make a decision to enroll from an empowered place, not out of pressure.

We know objections from your most qualified leads can make you want to hide under a rock.

But stay with us here, because we’re about to show you the key to getting really great at selling in the DMs.

WATCH THIS VIDEO: HOW TO be good at sales (learn to overcome any objection)

This blog post (and accompanying video) are part of one big juicy in-depth series we’ve created all about social selling, and this is Part 5. (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)


We’ll always be the ones to tell it to you straight: you’re going to get dozens of objections when chatting with potential clients about joining your programs. 

Instead of trying to avoid this truth and fearing the objections that will inevitably come your way, what would it look like to anticipate them? 

Yes, it’s possible to look forward to objections! Here’s why. 

Objections are actually a good thing. 

Instead of feeling like you should slam your laptop shut and close down your program forever when you get objections in the DMs, consider the fact that this is actually a great sign. 

The alternative to objections is total silence in your DMs – and there’s absolutely nothing worse than the sound of crickets when you’re trying to welcome in more clients. 

If you’re getting objections, that means people are interested in your program! 

Objections are a sign you’re doing something RIGHT. 

The secret to being good at sales is having a system

Inside High Ticket Hybrid, we’ve created an entire database of responses our clients use to prepare themselves for even the most nuanced sales scenarios. 

If you’re worried about how much time this is going to take and you’re picturing yourself glued to your DMs all day answering objection after objection, we totally get it – we don’t have that kind of time either. We’re busy serving clients!

In our business (and as we coach clients to do with their high ticket offers), we spend 80% of our time delivering a top-notch experience for our paying clients. 

That means we’ve got just 20% of our team’s bandwidth focused on selling. 

If you’re wondering how that’s possible, it all comes down to having a great system for your responses that saves us tons of time and makes it efficient!

If you’re answering the same question over and over again, typing out the same reply a hundred times, that’s where you’ll waste your precious time (and lose your sanity!)

Part of an effective sales system never having to craft the same response twice. 

You’ll create an entire library of common response scripts you can simply copy and paste, customizing to each individual lead when you need to. 

This isn’t something you need to develop overnight, and we suggest you build your robust response library over time. We give our clients an entire library of starting responses to work with and customize.

But off the bat, you can start with the most common questions and objections you get and build from there. 

you will get objections at every price point

You might assume it’s way easier to sell a $200 course rather than a $10,000 program. 

You might imagine your lower price point course flying off the shelves – a total no brainer, right?!

It turns out you’re going to get some objections no matter how you price your product or service. 

We see this truth in action every single day!

So if you’re going to have to overcome the same objections either way, wouldn’t you agree that selling a $10,000 program is totally worth it? (Here’s some high ticket funnel math if you want to see how it all works!) 

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