Overcoming Anxiety in Sales: 4 Ways to Make Social Selling Easy

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When you hear the word “sales” or “selling”, do you feel like running for the hills?

Lots of business owners with expertise across countless industries tell us they just wish they could do what they do best – working with clients and staying in their zones of genius. 

But there’s just one problem: where are the clients going to come from?

If overcoming anxiety in sales is one of your goals, you’re not alone. 

We’ve talked about what social selling is (and what it is not), and together we’ve busted the 4 big myths that will keep you from truly believing you can close sales in the DMs without the need for sales calls.

Even though you’ve discovered this new world of selling without sales calls, we’re willing to bet you might still be holding on to some wobbly feelings about selling to people in the first place. 

Maybe selling feels icky and sleazy for you.

Or perhaps the tactics you’ve learned in the past feel inauthentic and pushy – which is why we created a whole new selling process for enrolling clients into your high ticket programs and courses.

When it comes to sales, it’s time for a big mental reset.

It’s time to toss out everything you associate with selling that makes you feel anxious, apprehensive and overall yuck. 

Before we dig in, let’s get one thing straight: we want you to move away from time-consuming sales calls, absolutely. 

But the desire to ditch sales calls does not mean we hate selling in general – in fact, we adore selling in this new, modern way that we teach our clients.

When you fully embrace this social selling process and learn to enroll high ticket clients effectively in the DMs, you’ll fall in love with sales.

But in order for that to be possible, we’ve got to start with your mindset.

WATCH THIS VIDEO: OVERCOMING ANXIETY IN SALES (4 ways to make social selling easy)

This blog post (and accompanying video) are part of one big juicy in-depth series we’ve created all about social selling, and this is Part 3. (Part 1 | Part 2)

Mindset Shift 1: Social selling is coaching

We love selling over chat in the DMs and text messages, and here’s a huge reason why: the way we see it, social selling is actually at it’s core just coaching. 

As a coach, it’s your job to talk with people, to guide them on their journey.

Great coaches ask great questions, right?

It’s your job to help find the gaps between where your clients are now and where they most want to be. 

Then, you help your clients make a plan to get there, supporting them as they pursue those next steps. 

You’re familiar with this process as a coach – and maybe you love coaching because you know what’s possible for your clients. 

You know the power of the transformation that’s available to them, and how much better their lives can be on the other side once they start getting results. 

That’s where your program comes in, and your job in the sales conversation is to point out there’s a bridge just waiting for them to get from point A to point B. Your offer is that bridge! 

Here’s the big secret great salespeople know: selling is just like coaching. 

There’s no such thing as “sales mode” and “coaching mode” - the skills you need to enroll clients in the DMs are the same skills you use every day as a coach!

Here’s an example from a real conversation we had with a prospect who had a goal to make $2 million in income from her coaching company: 

During the conversation, this client shared exactly where she is trying to go (aka, the dream scenario).

Together, we compared that to where she was right then at that moment (aka, the starting point).

From there, we broke it down together by discussing her current offer, introducing how a high ticket offer would fit into the equation, and reverse engineering a revenue plan. 

Great selling isn’t pleading and pushing someone into a decision they don’t want to make. 

Great selling is providing a bridge from current situation to their dream scenario. In this case, High Ticket Hybrid became the bridge this client needed to go from Point A to Point B.

When you help clarify the path for your prospective clients, coaching and selling become one and the same. 

Mindset Shift 2: Social Selling is not complicated (you’re already doing it!)

Most of the time when we talk to our clients who admit they don’t love sales, it quickly becomes clear they think they’re bad at selling. 

They believe they’re going to need to learn a whole new skillset, perhaps even become a whole new person in order to sell their high ticket programs and courses. 

But here’s the great news: you actually already have the skills to do this! 

As we covered in the first shift, sales is coaching. You’re used to coaching in your business and you know you’re awesome at it. 

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