How To Sell on Social Media: 4 Myths That Are Holding You Back

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So you’re totally tired of exhausting 60 minute sales calls clogging up your calendar and limiting your potential to take on as many clients as you’d like.

You’ve heard of this whole “social selling” concept, and maybe you’ve found yourself wondering (or even Googling) “how to sell on social media” - in the DMs as the cool kids are saying these days :)

It’s an interesting and exciting idea to kick sales calls to the curb while still enrolling high ticket clients every week on evergreen….

But you might ask, what’s the catch? 

If you’re curious about social selling but still have some big questions or reasons to believe this won’t work, this video is for you.

WATCH THIS VIDEO: how to sell HIGH TICKET OFFERS on social media (4 myths that are holding you back)

This blog post (and accompanying video) are part of one big juicy in-depth series we’ve created all about social selling, and this is Part Two. (Part 1 is here)

MYTH 1: “Don’t people need to have a call with me to enroll in my $3,000 - $15,000 group program?”

Since you’ve done your high ticket funnel math, you know that high ticket group coaching programs allow you to scale smart while your clients enjoy life-changing results (and you get to enjoy a clear and spacious CEO calendar!)

You’re building a transformational program with ALL of the training, tools and templates a person needs to go from Point A to Point B. 

You know this program is totally worth the price tag, and you’re ready to call in those dream clients.

But, you might be wondering: don’t people need to have a sales call with me on the phone/zoom to enroll in this high ticket group program? 

How on earth is anyone going to fork over that kind of cash without speaking with me on the phone first? 

It’s a great question, and a totally natural one to ask when you first learn about social selling. 

You’re likely beyond ready to banish the time-sucking sales calls from your CEO calendar for good, but you’re not alone if it feels hard to believe that people will actually go for a premium investment without a formal zoom call conversation.

There are a couple of key points to know as you open your mind to this world of using social media and Direct Messages to sell your programs

1. Yes, it’s possible to answer questions in the DMs for 60 seconds instead of taking 60 minute sales calls – but we are NOT simply replacing those calls with DMs. 

When you build out your program the High Ticket Hybrid way, 90% of your enrollment process is actually automated with emails, pre-recorded content, auto-reminders and more. 

This means that the leads who slide into your DMs are far more educated about your program, and therefore much more qualified, by the time you’re having a conversation.

We teach you exactly how to offload those cumbersome sales calls by designing a unique private training that shows your ideal clients the path forward and answers their questions. 

For that last 10% of the enrollment process, social selling comes in to seal the deal – so it’s important to remember these conversations are icing on the cake!

2. Your high end clients are extremely busy.

You’ve imagined that your ideal clients will want to take 60 minutes to vet you on the phone, but what about the fact that the people you most want to work with don’t have the time to schedule a call?

These high end clients value their time and convenience – and you’re likely missing out on enrollments when busy, motivated people skip over your sales call because they’re short on calendar space.

People do NOT need to talk with you on the phone in order to feel confident and excited to dive into your high ticket program. 

We’ve seen it over and over again with our clients who’ve implemented the system that allows them to enroll people without calls every single day. 

MYTH 2: “I need to talk to people on the phone to find out who is a good fit. I don’t want to work with strangers!” 

We’ve established that your ideal clients do not need to talk to you on the phone in order to enroll in your high ticket program, but you might be wondering about the other side of the coin: don’t YOU need to vet people to make sure they’re a good fit? 

Here’s the key: getting rid of sales calls and implementing the High Ticket Hybrid system does not mean you throw the doors of your program open to just anybody. 

Social selling doesn’t mean that you never qualify your leads. It’s quite the opposite!

Instead, you’ll build a simple yet powerful application process to reveal whether a lead is really ready to enter your space and become a client. 

With a solid application in place, the questions you’re asking at this first crucial step do much of the vetting for you. 

Then, as you chat with your qualified leads in the DMs, you get to ask them questions just as much as they’re asking you. 

Text messages and voice memos allow you to have a two way conversation to ensure your potential client is the right fit. 

If at any point a DM conversation reveals someone isn’t ready for your program, we’re big believers in telling them straight up that now is not the right time! 

We know that working with the right clients is absolutely essential. We want our clients to see a positive return on their investment, so it’s in our best interest to lovingly let them go or suggest an alternative offer to help them prepare to become a future client. 

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