Behind The Scenes: Rebuilding My Business

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On Feb 1st I got sick and was stuck at home, mostly in bed for over a week.

That day, I started this document. (I'll share the entire 20-page doc in an upcoming video walkthrough)...

I started outlining a whole new... everything.

Updated product suite + pricing, new courses, lead gen plan, website, automations and more.

This spiraled into a separate plan for a brand new newsletter (another 22 page doc)...

That spiraled into a brand new content system (and 200+ new high-value content ideas to share with you)...

That spiraled into a new website (built on a different platform)...

That also translated into revamped offers, new course ideas, and more.

*All my planning docs and one sheets you see above really help me tame the chaos in my brain - I'm excited to share them with you as resources soon too.

I feel like I am rebuilding my business from the inside out right now.

I wonder if from the outside the new shift will feel as significant as it feels from where I'm sitting.

Maybe you'll just see a new website and some new emails and be like "cool, same Mariah, different day".

But something about the shift I'm in feels significant to me. More grown up. Closer to how I have wanted to show up for a long time but didn't have the confidence to.

I'm in heavy creation mode this week.

It's not easy putting together all the assets.

✅ New website

✅ New newsletter and audioletter

✅ New services I've never promoted before

✅ New content

It's a lot, but it's all flowing creatively.

I'm owning my expertise in a way I've wanted to for years but had so much mindset junk around. I'm not being shy about it anymore.

What sparked this whole big project?

There was a catalyst. There's always a catalyst 😂

Have you ever had a whole plan for exactly how your year is going to go and then something happens and you're like, "welp, none of this is going to go how I planned..."

Yep. One of those.

In a moment, I discovered 2024 was not going to play out how I had anticipated.

I had an hour of frustration and confusion.

And then that gave way to clarity and a sense of opportunity. That little inexplicable tingle of "something new".

I had a feeling I was going to look back at this moment of temporary disappointment a year from now and feel very *grateful* for how it all played out.

The catalyst triggered the clarity I needed and gave me a push to actually take action on things I've been thinking about in the back of my mind for years... But never got around to.

Funny how that works.

So next week, there will be announcements.

Soon there will be a new website, a new newsletter, and fresh squeezed ideas 🍋

A new era for me, and lots more fun and fresh (free) content for you.

All around helping you monetize as a creator, turn your content into customers and sell more courses + digital products.

When you see it, you're either going to think I'm crazy or a genius. Maybe both.

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