How to Strengthen Your Sales Mindset with One Big Shift

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I know what you’re thinking.

“Sales mindset? I’ve got GOALS, and I needed new sales like, yesterday. I don’t have time to talk about sales mindset. Give me the steps, the framework and the roadmap!”

But listen up: if you’re implementing new sales strategies and hoping to generate next-level results for your course and group program sales, you absolutely must address your sales mindset first. Here’s why. 

Picture this: two people set out to create, launch and scale a high ticket program on evergreen without having to do sales calls (yes, our clients are doing this!)

They are given the same frameworks, the same tools and all the same templates.

One of them soars right away, exceeding their own wildest goals and writing up their very own success story in joyful disbelief. 

And the other person just can’t seem to get things off the ground. 

Why is that?

WATCH THIS VIDEO:why we must start with mindset if you want results

The truth is that there are a lot of factors at play here, and I’m not about to tell you “it’s all about mindset”.

Components from audience size, to experience level in business, to individual skill, to privilege, the systemic issues people face, and the society we live within are all part of the equation. 

Mindset is not always the problem holding you back, and not everything is a “limiting belief”. Sometimes you just need to try something else, like a fresh strategy for example. 

But there’s a good chance you aren’t combining the power of mindset and strategy – and that changes today. 

Mindset is the fuel that turns strategy ON 

So what role does mindset play in your business?

Lots of people talk about mindset, and even more people talk about strategy. 

But here’s the thing about strategy: it’s a tool. 

Tools are fantastic – it’s hard to imagine how we’d get much done in the real world without them. But tools aren’t worth much at all if they’re just lying there on the ground. 

A hammer alone has no power until you pick it up and hit the nail. A hammer can’t do the work by itself – and that’s where you come in. 

Once you learn to wield that hammer and pour your heart into learning to use it, that’s when the job gets done (aka, big results.) 

That’s the power of a curious growth mindset. Without it, even the most impactful strategies in the world won’t generate the results you dream of. 

If you don’t believe you’re worthy of charging at a premium price point, what do you think might happen when you go to sell your high ticket program? 

If you go into a live promotion thinking nobody will buy, what kind of result do you think you’ll get? 

If you believe you only deserve to earn income by hustling for every single sale, can you reasonably expect anything other than more hustle? 

How can your evergreen funnel, which is specifically designed to bring in sales through automation without your personal involvement, really do its job if you don’t think you deserve it? 

The powerful hammer otherwise known as strategy is available to you – but without the mindset, you’re not actually picking it up and giving it a swing. 

Resistance comes from convincing ourselves we don’t deserve success

When it comes to executing any strategy, much of the outcome is determined by what kind of energy you’re bringing to the equation. 

If you dive into a new strategy but deep down have convinced yourself that it won’t work, inevitably you end up with some funky feelings – and you carry those feelings into your pursuit of results. 

Let’s say you plan to create and host a webinar for the very first time. It’s nerve-wracking, no doubt – you’re in uncharted territory, showing up on a virtual stage and doing something you’ve never tried before. 

But nerves aside, there are two totally different ways to look at this brand new experience. 

The truth is that I’ve seen far too many business owners self sabotage at every step, getting swept up into perfectionism and ultimately not showing up completely. Without even realizing it, we become determined to validate the old stories we’ve been telling ourselves, which sounds something like: 

“See, I knew this wouldn’t work. This always happens to me.”

“I knew this would be a waste of time and money.” 

The thing about the human brain is it loves to be right. So when we set out to try a new strategy, our need to prove our old crappy stories will override our excitement about selling without sales calls, going evergreen or launching a webinar. 

This is why so many people start a launch with high hopes, only to taper off and essentially disappear halfway through at the first sign of turbulence. 

They stop going live. They stop sending the emails. They shut down before it’s even over. 

With a funky mindset, we are convinced things won’t work out right from the get go – ultimately setting ourselves up to fail before we even begin or follow through!

It doesn’t have to be this way.

An experimentAL mindset will set you free

Adopting a new mindset – a fearless mindset – is actually a strategy in itself, and when you apply it everything shifts (including your results). 

Now our old stories are replaced with thoughts like:

“I’m going to learn so much from this experience, no matter the outcome.” 

“I’m really curious to see how this experiment goes. I’ll learn more so I can improve for next time.” 

“I showed up 100%, now I trust the rest will fall into place.” 

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