My Story: 8 Years In Online Education Business & What Actually Moved The Needle

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In this episode, I am sharing more about my story and my business journey in online education businesses over the last 8 or so years, all the different business models we’ve had, all the pivots we’ve made and the inflection points that changed everything along the way.
Long-term success and sustainability seems like a rarity in this industry where so many people are focused on the next trendy platform or quick results without the work. 
This is a “time travel” episode through the years of ups and downs, lessons learned, and hard-won wisdom. We’ve always focused on timeless strategies over trendy fads. And though things are different in the online education space in 2023 and beyond, it’s also so cool to see how many of the strategies we mastered and used years ago, are still relevant and adaptable to today.
If you have questions about my hybrid evergreen business, my funnels, my marketing strategy or product suite etc - just email us or DM me on IG @mariahpcoz.
In this episode, we discuss:
  • My experience in B2C (non-business related) online courses and online education before I ever started teaching business topics
  • My first year building this brand and what I focused on to build my audience and sales quickly
  • What inspired all the courses and programs I’ve created over the years and how I came up with the ideas for all the big hits we've developed
  • The major strategy shifts that had the biggest impact on our business over the years (so few things actually move the needle - I like to highlight what actually works!)
  • You can’t compare your first draft to someone else’s program or business they’ve been optimizing for years and years (and just how messy my first drafts have been!)
  • How we’ve leveraged and adapted all the assets, products, content, and frameworks we’ve ever created into timeless strategies and how you can make the most of what you’ve already created to create new revenue
  • Sabbaticals, sickness, depression and low seasons
  • Why I’m grateful to have all these tools in my toolbox so we can always be meeting the market no matter what changes are happening
  • Seasons of “set it and forget it” and seasons of pivoting, launching, working like crazy and figuring it out
  • The full-circle moments and cycles we’ve  been through and why I’m so excited about how Profit Architecture can help you create more sustainability, adaptability and resilience in your business

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